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Comment(s) :

When any user / administrator / author comment on any post then that comment will be show here[2].

Comment body [3] : Comment body is matter inserted comment by user or any other.

Comment View / Edit / Delete / Other Options [4] :

1. Un-approve :[4] If you want to not approve comment then you can click in this option, then this comment will be in un-approve queue.

2. Reply :[4] If you want to reply from here of comment you can click on it and you can type matter in appeared box.

3. Quick Edit :[4] By Quick edit you can edit some most info like name , URL , body.

4. Edit :[4]If you will hover on any Comment in list, you will get edit option edit, by clicking on that you will be on edit Comment, from there you can edit Comment info like name , URL , body.

5. Spam :[4] If you want to move comment into spam, then by click on span you can move comment into spam.

6. Trash :[4] Trash option is use for delete Comment(s).

Filter Comment by Status [5] :In list[2] By default all comments ( approved / Pending / Spam / Trash ) will appear.

Bulk action on comment(s) [6] : If you want to take bulk action on one or more than one comment(s), then please mark [8] comment(s) and select take bulk action ( spam / not spam / delete permanent ).

Commenter name[7] : The user / any other who comment on any post that's name will be appear there[7]

In Response to[9] : There Post / Article topic will be there.
View Post[10] : If you want to view post / Article then, you can View Post / Article by clicking here.

Submitted on[11] : Here post / Article date shows here.

Search comment[12] : If you want to search post / Article , Then you can search your comment.

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